What is Psi Chi?
Psi Chi is the International Honor Society in Psychology, founded in 1929 for the purposes of encouraging, stimulating, and maintaining excellence in scholarship, and advancing the science of psychology. Membership is open to graduate and undergraduate students who are making the study of psychology one of their major or minor interests and who meet the minimum qualifications of class standing and academic achievement. Psi Chi is a member of the American Psychological Association (APA) and the American Psychological Society (APS).
Psi Chi functions as a federation of chapters located at more than 875 senior colleges and universities in the USA. More than three-quarters of a million lifetime members have joined Psi Chi, many of which have gone onto distinguished careers. A few popular Membership Benefits include international recognition for academic excellence, as well as access to psychology-related publications, resources for career and graduate school, and annual awards and grants.
The Rutgers–Camden chapter of Psi Chi functions as an honors society and a student group. The group is led by student leaders with the support of faculty advisers. Psi Chi organizes regular meetings, campus events, and service projects. We are always looking for students to take on leadership roles in Psi Chi. We welcome new ideas, diverse perspectives, and broad representation of social identities and cultural backgrounds. We invite applications for membership two times per academic year: each Fall and Spring semester. Students are encouraged to apply if they meet the following requirements:
Membership Requirements
- 9 credit hours of Psychology classes at Rutgers-Camden (transfer credits do not count)
- 3.5 or higher GPA in Psychology classes
- 3.5 or higher GPA overall
- Lifetime membership fee
Please email psi-chi@camden.rutgers.edu for more information.
Complete a Psi Chi application: https://www.psichi.org/page/JoinToday#.YxnjibTMKUk
Psi Chi Faculty Advisers
- Dr. Tamara Nelson, tamara.nelson@rutgers.edu
- Dr. Andrew Abeyta, andrew.abeyta@rutgers.edu

Learn more about the benefits and requirements for Psi Chi Membership and Complete a Psi Chi application
What is the Psychology Club?
See the officers and more about the Psychology Club on RUC Engage.
The Psychology Club is a student run organization at Rutgers–Camden that meets once a month. The Psychology Club’s goal is to give students the opportunity to build understanding and knowledge of the multiplicity of activities within the fields of psychology. The Psychology Club also promotes camaraderie and support amongst its members while engaging in meaningful social interaction and community service projects. The Psychology Club is operated by student officers and faculty advisors who help us to select projects and carry out goals.
Please email psychologyclubruc@gmail.com for more information.
Follow the Psychology Club on Instagram @ruc_psychclub.
Psych Club Faculty Advisers
- Dr. Tamara Nelson, tamara.nelson@rutgers.edu
- Dr. Andrew Abeyta, andrew.abeyta@rutgers.edu