BA/MA Accelerated Psychology Program at Rutgers–Camden
The Psychology Department offers a BA/MA Accelerated Program. Undergraduates may take up to three graduate psychology classes as undergraduates and complete the remaining seven classes in the graduate program. These three classes count both toward the bachelor’s degree and the master’s degree (if the student matriculates to Rutgers–Camden’s Psychology MA program). The Accelerated Program allows students to take advantage of undergraduate tuition rates and the ability to complete the MA program in less than the normal two-year period.
Admission through the B.A./M.A. Accelerated Program:
- Juniors and Seniors at Rutgers–Camden (80 credits or more) seeking admission to the accelerated program must be approved for entry by the graduate program director.
- Requires a 3.5 GPA minimum in Psychology courses.
- Requires a letter of recommendation from a faculty member of the Psychology Department.
- Completion of graduate classes while an undergraduate does not guarantee admittance into the program; students must still apply for admission to the M.A. program following the procedure for standard admission.
It is advantageous for students to apply before beginning their senior year. If you are interested in applying to the B.A./M.A. Accelerated Program, contact the Graduate Program Director, Dr. Ira Roseman at roseman@scarletmail.rutgers.edu.
In order for a graduate course to count for both the graduate program and the undergraduate program, BA/MA students must fill out a G-Prefix form for each graduate course they take.