Three Psychology Faculty Receive Chancellor’s Grant for Interdisciplinary Collaboration and Vice Chancellor’s Fund for Research
The Office of the Chancellor sponsored a host of faculty awards this academic year as part of their “15 in 5” Strategic Initiatives.
Department of Psychology recipients for Spring 2023 are:
Kristin August Bauer
Department of Psychology & Department of Health Sciences
Co-PI: Eveling Hondros, Department of World Languages & Cultures, Co-PI: Kathleen Jackson
Department of Nursing, Co-PI: Ana Laguna, Department of World Languages & Cultures
Title of Project: “Translation and cultural adaptation of a diabetes family coaching intervention for Spanish-speaking Hispanic/LatinX populations”
Sean Duffy
Department of Psychology
Co-PI: John Smith
Department of Economics
Co-PI: Robrecht van der Wel
Department of Psychology
Co-PI: Cederic Bouquet
University of Poitiers Department of Psychology & Cognitive Science
Title of Project: “Understanding how incentives, cognitive capacity, and group dynamics affect human imitation behaviors”
Ira Roseman
Department of Psychology
Co-PI’s: David Redlawsk, University of Delaware Department of Political Science, Co-PI: Agneta Fischer
University of Amsterdam Department of Psychology, Co-PI: Kyle Mattes, Florida International University Department of Politics & International Relations
Project Title: “Testing a theory of political beliefs and emotions affecting anti-immigrant prejudice and voting”