| John Abbamonte Year Graduated: 2014 Undergraduate Institution: Fordham University Adviser & Thesis Topic: Dr. August; Social interactions and mental health outcome Doctoral Program Attended: University of Miami (Counseling) |
| Gianna Bowler Year Graduated: 2014 Undergraduate Institution: Rutgers-Camden Adviser & Thesis Topic: Dr. Markey; Ovulatory changes in sexual attraction Doctoral Program Attended: Temple (Developmental) |
 | Eric W. Branning Year Graduated: 2013 Adviser & Thesis Topic: Dr. Hart; Differences in sexual health knowledge of adolescents from different neighborhoods Current Position: Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) |
 | Arturo Calderon Year Graduated: 2015 Undergraduate: Montclair State Adviser & Thesis Topic: Dr. Duffy; Embodied cognition and visual perception. |
 | En Fu Adviser & Thesis Topic. Dr. Bravo; Spatial cognition. Doctoral Program: University of Alabama (Cognitive) |
 | John Gunn III Undergraduate: Richard Stockton College Adviser & Thesis Topic: Dr. Roseman; Emotional content of suicide notes Doctoral Program: Montclair State (Family Studies) Current Position: Assistant Professor Gwynedd Mercy University |
 | Brian Johnston Year Graduated: 2010 Undergraduate: University of South Florid Adviser & Thesis Topic: Dr. Roseman; Emotion regulation and prejudice reduction Doctoral Program: CUNY (Social-Personality) Current Position: Senior Strategy Consultant, IBM |
 | Gabriel Johnston Year Graduated: 2014 Adviser & Thesis Topic: Dr. Roseman; Effects of anger and contempt on voters’ perceptions of presidential candidates Current Position: Data Specialist, Google, Inc. |
| Caitlin Kelly Year Graduated: 2014 Adviser & Thesis Topic: Dr. August; Use of health care providers and association with health behaviors and outcomes Doctoral Program: University of Utah (Developmental with Health Specialization) |
 | Phil Loatman Year Graduated:2013 Undergraduate: Rowan University Adviser & Thesis Topic: Dr. Whitlow & Dr. van der Wel; Negative patterning in a foraging task Why Rutgers-Camden?: Because of its strong research emphasis and as a bridge to a doctoral program Ph.D., 2019 : SUNY Stony Brook (Cognition & Decision Making) |
 | Nicole Matsuk Graduated: 2015 Undergraduate: Rutgers University Adviser & Research Topic: Dr. Cavanaugh; Identifying bio-markers of stress in a population of high-risk female survivors of intimate partner violence. |
 | Elisa Miyake Graduated: 2021 Why Rutgers-Camden?: The Psychology faculty truly mentor their students and provide them with the education and skills they need to be successful in future endeavors. Doctoral Program: Arizona State (Counseling) Doctoral Program: Arizona State (Counseling) Current Position: Licensed Clinical Psychologist, San Francisco |
 | Autumn Nanassy Graduated: 2016 Undergraduate: Rutgers University-Camden Adviser & Thesis Topic: Dr. Markey; Thin-slice judgments of health and relationship satisfaction Current Position: Clinical Research Coordinator, St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children |
 | Alexandra O’Donnell Graduated: 2016 Undergraduate: Rutgers University-Camden Adviser: Dr. Duffy Current Position: Part-time lecturer, Rutgers University-Camden |
 | Kyle Sauerberger Graduated: 2012 Undergraduate: Montclair State University Adviser & Thesis Topic: Dr. Nave; Examination of adult personality and directly observed behavior during cognitive testing Doctoral Program: University of California, Riverside (Social-Personality) |
 | Jennifer A. Shukusky Graduated: 2013 Adviser & Thesis Topic: Dr. Garcia; Sexual scripts and different relationship types Why Rutgers-Camden?: Offers the resources of big research-oriented institutions with the personal touch of helpful faculty, intimate class size, and the opportunity to work closely with mentors. Doctoral Program: University of Texas at Austin (Human Development & Family Sciences) |
 | Brianna Soreth Graduated: 2016 Undergraduate: Rutgers University-Camden Adviser: Dr. Whitlow; Associations between associative learning, working memory, attentional control and fluid intelligence Current Position: Senior Research Technician, Monell Center |
 | Vianca Vargas Graduated: 2015 Adviser & Research Topic: Dr. Cutuli; How family adapt and learn in a homeless shelter Current Position: New Jersey Department of Children and Families |
 | Emily Wood Graduated: 2012 Undergraduate: Rutgers University-Camden Adviser & Thesis Topic: Dr. Markey; Pronoun use among romantic partners as a predictor of relationship satisfaction Current Position: Data Analyst at Thomas Jefferson University; Instructor at Rutgers University-Camden |
| Doug Zacher Graduated: 2015 Undergraduate: Rutgers University-Camden Adviser & Thesis Topic: Dr. Whitlow; Pattern discrimination and working memory Current Position: User Experience Researcher, Chamjari Interactive |
Amanda Steele Graduated: 2020 Undergraduate Institution: Rutgers-Camden Adviser & Thesis Topic: Dr. Roseman; Are Interpersonal Dislike and Hatred Discrete Emotions Doctoral Program Attended: University of Oxford (Experimental Psychology)
| Carlos Cavalie Current Position: Research assistant at the Center for Mental Health Services & Criminal Justice Research at Rutgers New Brunswick. |
| Yahui Chang Adviser & Thesis Topic: Dr. Whitlow |
| James Floman Adviser & Thesis Topic: Dr. Roseman Doctoral Program: University of British Columbia (Educational & Counseling Psychology) |
| Sean Garguilo Adviser & Thesis Topic: Dr. Roseman; Investigating emotional processes Doctoral Program: The Ohio State University (Communication & Media Studies) Current Position: Marketing Analyst for JPMorgan Chase |
| Laura Goins Adviser: Dr. Garcia Current Position: Program Coordinator in the Honors College at Rutgers University-Camden. |
| Shweta Kulkarni Adviser: Dr. Duffy Current Position: Market Research Analyst |
| Patrice McCarthy Undergraduate: 2013 |
| Ines Meier Adviser: Dr. Whitlow Doctoral Program: Rutgers University-Camden (Childhood Studies) |
| Angela Meluso Doctoral Program: North Carolina State Current Position: Part-time lecturer at Rutgers University- Camden. |
| Jamie Perry Undergraduate: University of Houston Doctoral Program: Rutgers University- Newark (Management) Current Position: Assistant Professor, Cornell University (Employment Relations, Human Resources and Law) |
| Jayaram Uparna Thesis Topic: Group Dynamics Doctoral Program: Kellogg School of Management of Northwestern University |
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