Hands-on Experience in Psychology at Rutgers–Camden
Gaining experience in Psychology is a great way to make informed career choices and enhance job and graduate school applications. The Psychology department offers several ways for you to learn through experience.
Independent Study in Psychology
- Get credit for doing research in a faculty member’s lab! Independent study is a great opportunity for students to understand the research process from the ground up and experience first-hand what goes into the process of collecting data and writing a paper
- This experience is particularly important for students considering applying to graduate school, especially PhD programs and research-focused MA programs
- Students who engage in Independent Study in a faculty member’s lab for multiple semesters have the opportunity to develop an Honors project, which involves the completion of a student-designed, mentored research project
- For more information: https://psychology.camden.rutgers.edu/undergraduate/independent-study-courses-494495/
Applied Experience in Psychology Course
- Get credit for volunteering in a community agency! By working in a community agency, school, hospital or other social service or psychology-related institution, you will gain first-hand experiences that will enhance your understanding of psychology
- This experience is particularly important for students interested in careers in clinical or counseling Psychology and related fields
- For more information: https://psychology.camden.rutgers.edu/undergraduate/applied-experience-in-psychology-493/
- If you are interested in an experience like this but we are not offering this course during the semester you want, contact the Career Center about taking their Internship class for general elective credit
ECL Courses
- The Psychology department regularly offers courses that involve Engaged Civic Learning
- Previous offerings have included courses involving work with families experiencing homelessness, an agency supporting families at risk for child maltreatment, and a prevention intervention to reduce sexual assault among college studentsKeep an eye on our course offerings each semester for current options